Warren-Walker School is committed to providing a program that challenges students to progress in all areas of growth and development. Academic excellence is a focus, balanced by emphasis on character and leadership development, social-emotional well-being, physical fitness, and experience in, and appreciation of, the arts.
These Schoolwide Learner Outcomes together with our Faculty & Staff's Standards for Professional Excellence support the portrait of a Warren-Walker School graduate.
- Schoolwide Learner Outcomes for Students
- Standards of Professional Excellence for Faculty & Staff
- Why I Teach! Faculty & Staff Testimonials
Schoolwide Learner Outcomes for Students
Expected Schoolwide Learner Outcomes prioritize and synthesize our Mission, goals, and objectives.
Warren-Walker School Students Will Be...
Respectful and Responsible Citizens Who:
- Demonstrate empathy and the ability to work well with others
- Exhibit a commitment to moral values and community service
- Follow directions and contribute positively to the learning environment
- Demonstrate integrity when acting as an individual, in a group, on a team, or when using electronic devices
Successful Scholars Who:
- Demonstrate fluency in oral and written language
- Use numbers competently, and demonstrate understanding of mathematical principles
- Transfer and apply cognitive skills and strategies in all subject areas and in real-life situations
- Incorporate technology for researching, organizing, learning and creating
- Build vocabulary and acquire communication skills in a foreign language
- Express creativity through the fine and performing arts
- Develop and utilize effective study skills
Self-Directed and Independent Thinkers Who:
- Assimilate prior knowledge, skills and experiences
- Willingly gather, comprehend, and evaluate information from valid sources
- Apply critical thinking and comprehension skills
- Clarify, organize, and express individual thoughts and ideas
- Independently produce quality work that integrates skill, knowledge, and critical, ethical and creative thinking across the disciplines
Standards of Professional Excellence for Faculty & Staff
Warren-Walker School's professional culture is founded in the excellence of its Faculty, Staff, and Administration. As noted in the second paragraph of our School's Mission Statement, "Warren-Walker School has an atmosphere of caring, cooperation, and dedication to help each student succeed in the learning process. The School and its faculty will formulate multifaceted educational experiences that foster a lifetime love of learning, breadth of knowledge, and mastery of skills while developing respect for others, confidence, initiative, perseverance, self-discipline, and a sense of responsibility."
Our "Standards of Professional Excellence" are the behaviors, values, and attitudes woven in to our professional culture that attract families to our School and bond each administrator, faculty and staff member to one another. Each of us is dedicated to providing rigorous, unique, and exceptional experiences inside and outside the classroom.
In support of each and every student's journey to achieve our Schoolwide Learner Outcomes, Warren-Walker School Faculty & Staff are committed to:
- challenging students to excel
- creating opportunities for learning and growth within and beyond the academic day
- celebrating diversity and open-mindedness
- participating fully in our School's community with authentic, multifaceted engagement
- employing innovative teaching methods to cultivate the strengths of our students
- pursuing professional and personal development
Why I Teach! Faculty & Staff Testimonials
Gulls Teach! Allison Deiter
"My love for science began at a young age - I even won the Science Fair in 8th Grade at Warren-Walker School!"...
Gulls Teach! Anne Marie Kukulj
Mrs. Kukulj tells us that she comes “from a family of teachers; my Mom, a high school English teacher and my brother, a college professor”. Early in her college years...
Gulls Teach! Casslyn Duron
With two years as a teacher at WWS under her belt, Mrs. Duron has taken the role of coordinating our Student Services on the Lower School campus...
Gulls Teach! Christi Iacono
Mrs. I is that unique WWS employee who has worked as an Office Administrator, parented (2) WWS students, taught Prekindergarten...
Gulls Teach! Diane Neil
Drama teacher Diane Neil’s first experience with Warren-Walker School was as a member of a traveling, story-teller troupe called “Classics Alive”. In that assembly...
Gulls Teach! Emily Smith
"Teaching chose me!” Miss Smith says. “I studied to become an artist, and to teach for fun, but the universe flipped it on me…”
Gulls Teach! Evan Noyes
Mr. Noyes is in his third year as a teacher for Warren-Walker Middle School, and has taught for eight years. Knowing he wanted to be a teacher since high school ...
Gulls Teach! Gillian Robinson
"I always knew I wanted to be a teacher. One of my earliest memories was lining up my stuffed animals in front of a chalkboard to ‘teach class’. When I went to college, my path was clear although...
Gulls Teach! Jennifer Songer
Mrs. Songer has been teaching for 38 years, 32 of which have been as leader of our Junior Kindergarten program. Of her career path, she says “I always knew I wanted to be a teacher or a veterinarian...
Gulls Teach! Kelly Derouin
Ms. Derouin is in her third year at our school and is the Drama and Wellness teacher at our Middle School. With a BA in Theatre Arts, she had always planned on becoming an actress...
Gulls Teach! Kyla La Rocca
"I always knew I wanted to be a teacher, so choosing my major in college was a “no-brainer’. As a child development major I had some amazing...
Gulls Teach! Lori Ornelas
"I have learned so much over the course of my 21-year career at Warren-Walker School - especially from my colleagues and students!” As such, Lori Ornelas appreciates...
Gulls Teach! Maki Hohnstein
"On my 4th birthday, my preschool teacher made me a birthday card. It was handmade and had a picture of...
Gulls Teach! Marcia Martinez
Sra. Marcia Martinez lends a bit of whimsicality to her story about her journey that led her to be a teacher. "There once was a little girl who lived on the border. Literally...
Gulls Teach! Melissa Cervantes
Sra. Cervantes has been teaching for 13 years, and this is her third year at Warren-Walker School, now as our Office Manager on the Point Loma campus. She reflects on her teaching experience...
Gulls Teach! Natasha Robinson
Miss Robinson has taught for 13 years, 11 of them at Warren-Walker School. “I chose teaching because kids are real and honest - they still see the joy in little things...
Gulls Teach! Patrick Williams
Having spent the first fifteen years of his “working life” in the business world, Mr. Williams says he needed a change...
Gulls Teach! Paul Saunders
"For 17 years at WWS I have had the pleasure of teaching wonderful young adults, forming powerful relationships, laughing at ‘middle school humor'...
Gulls Teach! Raven Schweller
Currently our Lower School's Library & Information Technology teacher, Mrs. Schweller has been at WWS since 2009. “Originally, I went to art school to become an interior designer...
Gulls Teach! Sibila Reyes
"As 'easy' as it might look, teaching elementary school students is a big responsibility; they are the future of the planet!"...
Interested in learning more? Please call 619-223-3663 or simply click the button below to have a member of our Admissions Team contact you!
Gulls Flag Football
Grandparents Day
Halloween Parade