Middle School

Serving students entering 6th through 8th Grades...

Our Middle School’s departmentalized classes are designed to assure success through middle and high school, with college as a clearly defined and achievable expectation. Middle School is filled with enthusiastic and engaged students exploring new horizons in their academic, social, and emotional growth. The rigorous curriculum is challenging and is centered in an interdisciplinary approach to learning which intensifies depth and complexity in understanding the topics addressed. Teachers collaborate and create a dynamic learning environment that is interesting and motivating, and foster self-esteem through high expectations and recognition of student success.

The Middle School's curriculum has designated grade level expectations. Teachers utilize these resources as well as textbooks and classroom materials to formulate the program for each class, and adapt the material provided to meet the needs of individual students and the class as a whole. Organizational skills and personal responsibility play a significant role in Middle School, from using a student planner, a color-coordinated binder system, and setting academic expectations and goals. Lastly, our Schoolwide Learner Outcomes* are actively addressed each and every day whereby upon graduation from 8th grade, students are expected to be 

  • Respectful and Responsible Citizens

  • Successful Scholars

  • Independent and Creative Thinkers

Interested in learning more? Please call 619-223-3663 or simply click the button below to have a member of our Admissions Team contact you!

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Maypole Dance

Junior Challenge

8th Grade Graduation