How to Apply
We welcome your child's application for enrollment at Warren-Walker School! Current year transfers are processed if space is available. Families interested in a coming school year are encouraged to complete an application and the admissions requirements before February 1 in order to be considered in the first round of admission decisions for the fall of that year. Current year transfers are processed per space available. Requirements and deadlines toward admission at Warren-Walker School vary; refer to the grade level below for which you are interested in applying:
Upon receipt of your application, we will contact you to explain your next steps in completing the admissions process -- we wish you every success !
Students are accepted without regard to race, color, or national or ethnic origins. School guidelines for age will be followed in the admissions process. As a private school, the teaching/learning environment may not be designed to accommodate the needs of all children. The admissions process facilitates determining if Warren-Walker School can provide a suitable, educational program for the child seeking admission.
Surf PE
Trip Around The World
Dinosaur Dig